I have A
and B
as follows: //edit// I was sleepy and confused. These are NOT data frames.
> length(A)
[1] 490
> length(B)
[1] 17730
> str(A)
num [1:490] 0.0113 -0.0106 0.2308 0.0435 0.2814 ...
> str(B)
num [1:17730] 0.0118 0.0196 0.0344 0.0207 0.0566 ...
But for some reason when I used sort()
> length(sort(A))
[1] 490
> length(sort(B))
[1] 17729 #should be 17730
I don't know how to produce a reproducible example in this particular case, and I'm stuck on how I should go about troubleshooting this. What should I check?
Others have pointed out that sort()
takes a vector and not a data.frame
, but are there any NAs in the vector? The default in sort()
is to remove NAs:
v <- c(2, 1, NA)
#[1] 2 1 NA
#[1] 2
length(sort(v, na.last = T))
#[1] 3
If you want to sort a data.frame you should use order()
instead of sort()
. order()
has the same na.last
argument as sort()
except the default is TRUE
instead of NA
df <- data.frame(vars = c(2, 1, NA))
df_n <- data.frame(df[order(df$vars),])
#[1] 3