How to escape single quotes in MySQL

How do I insert a value in MySQL that consist of single or double quotes. i.e

This is Ashok's Pen.

The single quote will create problems. There might be other escape characters.

How do you insert the data properly?

Asked By: Ashok Gupta

Answer #1:

Put quite simply:

SELECT 'This is Ashok''s Pen.';

So inside the string, replace each single quote with two of them.


SELECT 'This is Ashok's Pen.'

Escape it =)

Answered By: Rob

Answer #2:

' is the escape character. So your string should be:

This is Ashok''s Pen

If you are using some front-end code, you need to do a string replace before sending the data to the stored procedure.

For example, in C# you can do

value = value.Replace("'", "''");

and then pass value to the stored procedure.

Answered By: SO User

Answer #3:

See my answer to "How to escape characters in MySQL"

Whatever library you are using to talk to MySQL will have an escaping function built in, e.g. in PHP you could use mysqli_real_escape_string or PDO::quote

Answered By: Paul Dixon

Answer #4:

If you use prepared statements, the driver will handle any escaping. For example (Java):

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(driverUrl);
PreparedStatement prepped = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO tbl(fileinfo) VALUES(?)");
String line = null;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
    prepped.setString(1, line);
Answered By: hd1

Answer #5:

Use this code:

    $var = "This is Ashok's Pen.";


This will solve your problem, because the database can't detect the special characters of a string.

Answered By: user3818708

Answer #6:

There is another way to do this which may or may not be safer, depending upon your perspective. It requires MySQL 5.6 or later because of the use of a specific string function: FROM_BASE64.

Let's say you have this message you'd like to insert:

"Ah," Nearly Headless Nick waved an elegant hand, "a matter of no importance. . . . It's not as though I really wanted to join. . . . Thought I'd apply, but apparently I 'don't fulfill requirements' -"

That quote has a bunch of single- and double-quotes and would be a real pain to insert into MySQL. If you are inserting that from a program, it's easy to escape the quotes, etc. But, if you have to put that into a SQL script, you'll have to edit the text (to escape the quotes) which could be error prone or sensitive to word-wrapping, etc.

Instead, you can Base64-encode the text, so you have a "clean" string:


Some notes about Base64-encoding:

  1. Base64-encoding is a binary encoding, so you'd better make sure that you get your character set correct when you do the encoding, because MySQL is going to decode the Base64-encoded string into bytes and then interpret those. Be sure base64 and MySQL agree on what the character encoding is (I recommend UTF-8).
  2. I've wrapped the string to 50 columns for readability on Stack Overflow. You can wrap it to any number of columns you want (or not wrap at all) and it will still work.

Now, to load this into MySQL:


This will insert without any complaints, and you didn't have to manually-escape any text inside the string.

Answered By: Christopher Schultz

Answer #7:

You should escape the special characters using the character.

This is Ashok's Pen.


This is Ashok's Pen.
Answered By: simon622

Answer #8:

You can use this code,

     $var = "This is Ashok's Pen.";

if mysqli_real_escape_string() does not work.

Answered By: Devil

Answer #9:

In PHP, use mysqli_real_escape_string.

Example from the PHP Manual:

$link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world");

/* check connection */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
    printf("Connect failed: %s
", mysqli_connect_error());

mysqli_query($link, "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE myCity LIKE City");

$city = "'s Hertogenbosch";

/* this query will fail, cause we didn't escape $city */
if (!mysqli_query($link, "INSERT into myCity (Name) VALUES ('$city')")) {
    printf("Error: %s
", mysqli_sqlstate($link));

$city = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $city);

/* this query with escaped $city will work */
if (mysqli_query($link, "INSERT into myCity (Name) VALUES ('$city')")) {
    printf("%d Row inserted.
", mysqli_affected_rows($link));

Answered By: Marcel Verwey

Answer #10:

If you want to keep (') apostrophe in the database use this below code:

$new_value = str_replace("'","'", $value); 

$new_value can store in database.

Answered By: Dheeraj singh

Answer #11:

$var = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['varfield']);

Answer #12:

If you are using PHP, just use the addslashes() function.

PHP Manual addslashes

Answered By: Sonu

Answer #13:

For programmatic access, you can use placeholders to automatically escape unsafe characters for you.

In Perl DBI, for example, you can use:

my $string = "This is Ashok's pen";
$dbh->do("insert into my_table(my_string) values(?)",undef,($string)); 
Answered By: Elle Fie

Answer #14:

Use either addslahes() or mysql_real_escape_string().

Answered By: Anthony

Answer #15:

The way I do, by using Delphi:

TheString to "escape":

TheString=" bla bla bla 'em some more apo:S 'em and so on ";


StringReplace(TheString, #39,''+#39, [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);


TheString=" bla bla bla 'em some more apo:S 'em and so on ";

This function will replace all Char(39) with "'" allowing you to insert or update text fields in MySQL without any problem.

Similar functions are found in all programming languages!

Answered By: user7276516

Answer #16:

Maybe you could take a look at function QUOTE in the MySQL manual.

Answered By: Julian
The answers/resolutions are collected from stackoverflow, are licensed under cc by-sa 2.5 , cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0 .

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