How can I get the name of a file in in PHP? What I want to do is have a function take a string of a filename and then do some stuff if it's actually on the page.
function onThisPageFunction(fileNameFromFunction)
if(onThisPage == fileNameFromFunction)
do stuff
There are two variables that will give you file names.
eg: you call /test/test1.php as the url and test1.php includes test2.php.
will give you the current file of the executing code, in this case it will return "test2.php"
will give you the full url of the original call, in this case "/test/test1.php"
Note that you can use the basename() function to get just the filename from a path.
If I understand correctly you want __FILE__
I think you want to use:
if (isset($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) AND ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] == 'foo')){
echo 'do stuff';
if (realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) === __FILE__) {
echo "Called directly";
Works on the command line too.
Thanks for your responses. This is what ended up doing the job for me.
function menuStrikethrough($pageName)
// get the name of the page we're on
$fileName = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
// if fileName equals pageName then output css to show a strikethrough
if($fileName == $pageName)
echo ' style="text-decoration:line-through" ';
I found ____FILE____
didn't work for me because I wrote this function in an included file.
The basename tip came in handy.
Thanks for all the help!